It’s not long until the tomato harvest in Greece. We’ve just been visiting our farmers who grow the tomatoes we use for our Mezze products. The tomatoes seeds are planted in rows on very fertile land not far from the sea. The neat rows of green vines are now beginning to show signs of baby green tomatoes growing from the shoots. In about 4 weeks’ time, the vines will have grown about a metre in height and the tomatoes will big and bright red in colour.

Once the ripe tomatoes are harvested, they are cut into pieces, layered with sea salt and dried in the natural sun for about a week. The daytime temperature can reach 36 degrees at this time of year!

The sundried tomatoes will keep the nutritional value of the fruit and the tomatoes are high in antioxidants and vitamin C.

We use these sundried tomatoes to make our Greek Mezze Sun Dried Tomato Paste & Sun Dried Tomato Mix.

Here’s a great recipe using our Sun Dried Tomato Mix with Baked Cod

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